Monday, July 28, 2008


Since we have been back from vacation I have had a horrible time sleeping. Not that I miss sleeping in a van. Far from it. but I have had sinus drainage that causes me to wake up at night... when i don't have to pee!, because I cannot breathe.

I discovered that if I sleep almost up right then I can breathe through the night and in the morning! Halleliuja!

So now, I wish I had a picture to share, I have a wall of pillows that I sleep on. It's great, I'm loving it. Just like McDonalds...
On the other hand, I can't sleep on my side which is a problem and will continue to be so as I actually get big. I hear it's really uncomfortable to be on your back with a big belly. I dunno. right now I still like it. My lower back gets SO tight that to lay down and pull my knees up feels really good.

Also, I can't cuddle up to Scott. He can't sleep on a wall of pillows. *sigh*

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I didn't find it too uncomfortable to be on my back with a big belly, but it was more that you're not supposed to. There's an important vein that runs down your back that carries blood and once your baby gets so big, if you lay on your back, your baby can cut off that blood supply and in turn hurt him/her. Yeah, I never would have known that had it not been for the million baby e-newsletters that I subscribed to! Have you signed up for any? Cause not only are they informative, you'll get a lot of free stuff in the mail...which is always needed with a new baby!! ;) So let me know if you'd like some recommendations.

But I'm glad you've found a good way to sleep...for now.