He does a pretty good job. And he sees me at every visit... which is evidently more than can be said for some Dr.'s.
I have been more happy and outgoing lately, which is awesome. The only other thing that has changed is that Jaedyn has been moving again. Coincidence? I'm think not. It's nice to know your baby is alive and moving. (Even if her head is stuck in my ribcage and therefore not growing at the right rate, which is my sci-fi-based reason for her head being small.)
We've been playing her classical music before I go to sleep and she reallly gets into it. We're seeing big tub-thumps and wiggles which is really fun. There are some songs on the Baby Einstein CD that she really likes, and others that she sits still through.
Also in the mornings now my lung capacity is obviously restricted. I can't get a full deep breath. BUT after I go pee, things seem to normalize. Also this morning as I was coming to full consciousness, I realized that I was so uncomfortable because I had to be on a side... laying mostly on my back, which is usually my favorite way to lay, was acutely uncomfortable. Sigh, I had heard that would happen, but it's a sad day to hear that it's finally here.
I've also started to feel just the littlest bit nauseous. Yuck. It's never something that restricts my activities, rather it's more like having eaten too much of some food that you were not in the mood for. You feel kinda "bleh". It's probably more stress-nauseous, so all I have to do is get un-stressed! Ha! Easier said than done. On the flip side, I've been able to hang out with girl friends lately and that has been fun. Everyone talks about babies, and that has been a HUGE stress to me. I'm totally, totally in that "what if I'm not good enough" phase. Even going to church last week and listening to mothers in the hall talk about raising their kids was enough to put me over the top. I wanted to sit down and cry. I'm sure I can do it... but what I'm not sure about is doing it as a working person. I REALLY don't want to be a career woman with a kid on the side. I have good skills that are useful in an office, but I feel I have so much more to offer to the position of mommy. Scott is doing what he can so I don't have to work when the baby comes and that is a huge help, but the nagging fear is still there. Lurking.
Scott is cutting back on his evening teaching classes too, and that will be a super great relief. I'm hoping that today we will work on some baby projects and get them out of the way. Oh and the dishes in the kitchen would be nice too. A clean kitchen is such a beautiful thing... Oh and while I'm thinking about it, I want more pots and pans and some silicon bake ware.